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Re: Release-critical Bugreport for January 11, 2002

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 03:07:47PM +0100, Christoph Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> what shall be do about our outstandig RC bugreport?
> BugScan reporter writes:
>  > Package: tetex-bin (debian/main)
>  > Maintainer: teTeX maintainers <debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org>
>  >   69600  Prompts for changed conffile
> There are three possible solutions.
> a) Distribute texmf.cnf separately as a normal file, install it on a
> fresh install via postinst and change it automatically whenever
> needed. That would imply an automatic update script for migrating if
> ever the format or the content of texmf.cnf has to change (like from
> slink to potato). Not trivial.
> b) Distribute texmf.cnf as a conffile but only change it automatically
> on a fresh install and not while upgrading. This is only a minimal
> change. Should be easy to implement.
> c) The change we are doing each upgrade time is setting VARTEXDIR. We
> could also change that in the original texmf.cnf and distribute
> that. That would be a patch to texk/make/paths.mk and to the postinst
> files in both tetex-bin and tetex-base.
> Any Thoughts?

Thought: texmf.cnf should really not live in tetex-base but rather in
the libkpathsea* package, as it's only the library which makes use of
it directly, not the tetex-* packages themselves.  I just discovered
that this week while working on CWEB.  But it can't be a conffile in
this package, as that will break if libkpathsea gets a new major
version number.  So it sounds like option (a), while non-trivial, may
actually be the best long-term solution, and this script would go in
the libkpathsea* package, not in tetex-base.



     Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths,             Debian GNU/Linux Developer
      Queen Mary, Univ. of London         see http://people.debian.org/~jdg/
   http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~jdg/           or http://www.debian.org/
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