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hebrew support in tetex debian package

I would like to request a feature to be added to the tetex debian package:

The original package can be found at:

In the form of an add-on to a tex distribution. It works fine with tetex
(at least with tetex>= 1.0).

There are no copyright issues with that package that I am aware of.

I packed a small rpm of this, which can be found at:

(I also added another fix to add better support for hebrew in bibtex).

Note that such support is required in order for lyx 1.1.5 to use the
bidirectional hebrew support (the gui will work fine, but producing a dvi
from the document will fail).

BTW: this package is included in Mandrake >= 7.0 .

However - I only put it as an addon package because I can't add things to
the core tetex package. I see no problem with adding it to the tetex
package (I actually did this once with the tetex package from mandrake,
but so no point in maintaining such a packge just for this little change).

Can it be added?

If not - would anyone maintain it as an addon package?

Thanks in advance

Tzafrir Cohen

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