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Re: USB harddisk not recognized after upgrade

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 09:21:10PM +0100, martin@marijg.demon.nl wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running debian testing and I did a upgrade last week and after that my 
> usb harddisk is nog recognized anymore. Last time it did work was november 
> 10, so it has happend after that date. A older linux on a other partition 
> still does recognize this usb drive, so it is not a hardware problem. But I 
> want to use my new big disk also with debian testing because that is the 
> distro I use daily. 
> What did happen and how do I sove it ?
This is the wrong list, I would suggest to try debian-user.  But, it
might be related to udev, or might be missing modules.

Clear skies,

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