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Re: How can sarge survive a Windows reinstall?

On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 03:21:13PM -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I need to reinstall Windows ME.  I especially need to keep my
> perfectly working Debian sargs and woody systems (on other
> partitions) working perfectly.  I am aware that reinstalling ME will
> destroy the Debian boot menu that grub so carefully put there.  What
> do I have to do in advance so that I can restore or reconstruct of
> reboot Debian afterward?  I've looked into the grub documentation,
> but I find it mighty obscure.  I'd like to just boot from a
> netinstall CD (possibly a newly doenloaded and burned one) and pick
> a menu item and have it put everything together again,  but I fear
> it is not that simple.  Some of the older commercial linuxes (and
> OS/2) had install-disk menus that did this kind of rescue
> more-or-less automatically, but it's not obvious to me what to do
> with Debian.
You can boot from any debian boot disk.  You probably want
root=/dev/hdc (as appropriate), so that it will actually boot your
current partition (but with the kernel from the disk).

Then, run the grub "installer" (sorry, lilo man).  If you used lilo,
you would just rerun it.

Assuming you can convince windows ME to install to its designated
partition, the only thing it will overwrite is your MBR (but not the
partition table), which is restored by rerunning the boot manager.


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