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Re: how to use installer

belahcene wrote:
I try to use the sarge-installer (sarge-i386-businesscard.iso) , i've just downloaded it. The problem is that it search for a mirror to install, I want to install from CD ( I haven't a direct access to internet)
How to do it . maybe it is not good  installer to  use ???

The business card installer is what they call a netinstall image. That means you must connect to the internet to finish the install. You can download full debian sarge cds here:

Scroll all the way to the bottom, and click the link for full cd image sets.

There is also a program called jigdo (jigsaw download) that downloads the individual pieces separately, then assembles them into a cd image on your computer. This is the preferred method because you can re-use some of the packages and update the image later. If you are new, I would recommend just getting the full cd image. Also, you don't need all 12 (!) cds. Just get the first one, or maybe the first few. If you can connect to the internet after the install it is much easier to download the other packages you need than to get it off the cds.

Hope this helps.


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