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pam_ldap.so and Debian...making it work!

I'm having a frustrating day trying to get my one box that is running Openldap to use pam_ldap.so for authentication via slapd.

Running Debian Testing.

I have configure openldap properly.  I can search and have already migrated local accounts up to Openldap.

I can see my directory nicely using GQ.

I have modified the /etc/pam.d/common-auth...common-password...common-account.. respectivly to reflect:

auth          required     pam_ldap.so
account     required    pam_ldap.so
password   required     pam_ldap.so

I have restarted the server then logged in with my user account (tim).

I then reviewed the /var/log/auth.log and see that authentication is still using pam_unix.so.  It's really confusing to understand this becasue I commneted out all the pam_unix.so for the pam.d config files above.

If anyone can advise me on a good method for troubleshooting pam_ldap or perhaps enlighten me if debain does things differently the using the common-* config files.

Thank you,
Tim Jordan

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