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Re: Hardware detection question/problem

Dave Marples <dave@marples.net> wrote:

> The latest discover seems to be called 'discover', and it won't
> auto-update due to dependencies, so [apt-get install discover] is your
> friend.  The current version in sarge (for me at least) fixes most of the
> problems I had with NICs etc....only outstanding issue was that alsa
> wouldn't load. That was due to discover being _too_ good and loading the
> i810 module when I really wanted the one from alsa....a suitable line in
> /etc/discover.conf to ignore the sound module fixed that.

Could you post (or email to me) your /etc/discover.conf? I am having trouble
getting alsa to work, and I don't see a reference to alsa in my

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- $Progeny: discover.conf 3839 2003-11-17 04:25:01Z dsp $ -->

<!DOCTYPE conffile SYSTEM "conffile.dtd">

  <busscan scan="default">
    <bus name="ata"/>
    <bus name="pci"/>
    <bus name="pcmcia"/>
    <bus name="scsi"/>
    <bus name="usb"/>

> Everything's peachy again...

That's what I'm hoping for. <g>


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