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Re: problems with dhclient after upgrade to sarge

Hi David!

this is only a solution for as long as your dhcp-server does not change
your designated ip-address.
but most of the times this works for a long long time unless you are in
an environment where you pay per minute, or prividers want to make sure
you cannot easily have a server environment running.
actually, you can find out for how long it _definitely_ is a solution by
checking the lease time. this number of seconds you definitely will keep
your ip.
problem: IF ip's change in your environment - and you haven't yet
answered my question regarding this - you might be disturbing other
users _a_ _lot_ by using an address that's also used by someone else.

please also try:
iface eth0 auto
iface eth0 inet dhcp
#	up /etc/init.d/ntpdate start  // i find this useful for my laptop

this only says you want it configured via dhcp but maybe some settings
will get whiped out that you might have set unwillingly

at any time you can fetch the date from the dhcp and then set them
manually using tools like: 
tcpdump -lenx -s 1500 port bootps or port bootpc | dhcpdump

good luck,

> I did this:
> > try to put these in a manual network configuration ...
> > would look like this:
> > in /etc/network/interfaces
> >
> > auto eth0
> > iface eth0 inet static
> >	address
> >	netmask
> >	broadcast
> >	gateway
> >	
> > then do /etc/init.d/networking restart
> > ifconfig; route -n
> and it worked! So, as I thought there was no problem with the kernel 
> recognizing the card, but somehow the information dhclient was getting was 
> being setup probably in the routing table.
> Do you know if this is a long term solution, or should I keep trying to 
> dhcp to run correctly?

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