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Re: Virus? ( was Re: new photos from my party!)

On Mon, 2002-Jan-28, Pat Cevasco wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "www.myparty.yahoo.com" 
> attachment in the parent email is a Windows binary. I'll assume 
> it's a virus although I don't know for sure.  I'll give the 
> sender 100 pts for naming a Windows .COM as a web address but I 
> subtract 1000 pts for posting it to a Linux forum.
Apparently, the binary, when run, mails copies of itself where it can.
As far as I know, it's the first Microsoftly mail worm which
is distributed in binary form.  It is also one of the few which do not
depend on Microsoft's Virus Breeding Automation[tm] features.

> If you read this list from Windows you probably don't want to 
> double click on that attachment.  Although I'm sure everyone 
> knows that already.
In a Linux list it reminds us how dangerous can overabstractization be
when done in a reckless way :-)

Andres Soolo   <soolo@ut.ee>

No more blah, blah, blah!
		-- Kirk, "Miri", stardate 2713.6

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