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Re: Mozilla Build error!!!

Andreas Tscharner wrote:

>On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:05:43 +0800
>asho <asho@asho.dyndns.org> wrote:
>>It appears the "internel compile error" like below
>Well, last time I had an internal compiler error, I've had a serious hardware problem...
yes...I figure out that my ram got some errors

>>Is anything wrong with my build??
>>Could someone teach me how to compile the mozilla package?
>I suggest you just use the .deb packages of mozilla...
>	Andreas
hm..I just want to build the galeon from the mozilla of the

However, I couldn't. It always shows the error message.
Like some missing files

In the Galeon INSTALL file, it mentions that we can use the
package frome the mozilla.org.

So...I am confused

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