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Re: galeon and mozilla show pages only partly

> I'm running woody, but wanted 0.9.7 so grabbed it from sid.  As far as I
> can tell so far, it works.
> Can you give the url of a site that doesn't work?

I have installed Mozilla 0.9.7-4,

I cannot see sume pictures: e.g. logout button in hotmail.com, most of
information in result table on lide.cz (fill in e.g. martin saturka, then
press enter, the third column of result table is bad), most of pictures on
welcome page of iname.com, ...

The __WORST__ ever: I am not able to download .deb packages from
the only result is, (e.g. for

<TITLE>405 Method Not Allowed</TITLE>
<H1>Method Not Allowed</H1>
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /debian/pool/main/g/glibc/l

both for sfift+click and "save link as" :-( restarts do not help.
It was somewhat better in mozilla 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 (I have tried)

There are some other pains (I do not, whether mozilla or debian specific):
when I am on a site with password protection, then I cannot download
properly files from there. While I can see them ok, after download there
is just a binary something (it is not (g)zip/Z/tar/rar/arj/... format).
With netscape, it is ok.

Finally, I can not write o' in mozilla, it puts n' except, there are some
bad things on non ascii chars too (but it is probably mozilla specific)

	bye, Martin Saturka

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