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Re: Boot Floppie problems.

On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 11:24:35PM -0700, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> I just tested a slink base install using the boot floppies from incoming
> (it is the 27th), their internal date was the 17th of December, their file
> dates are the 19th. 

I'm going to upload boot-floppies_2.1.4 RSN. 
> I had several major problems.
>   1) FAT32 partitions STILL don't work! This has been a problem ever 
>      since beta-hamm!
>   2) modconf doesn't work
>   3) Weird warnings/errors
>   4) No automatic lilo
> Details:
>   #1, If you have a fat32 partition and want to install from a 'harddisk'
>   then the installer will NOT detect and list these partitions as
>   mountable, even though going to a console at using mount by hand
>   works fine. I have attached the output of fdisk -l, with this system
>   the install program lists no partitions to select from.

Fixed in boot-floppies_2.1.4.
>   #2 I have no idea, for some damaged reason when you select 'net' from
>   the first screen it stops! I ran it with sh -x once I had installed and
>   it does a read, output is attached.

Fixed in modconf_0.2.23
>   #3 I recived a few bizzar warning, 
>    1) Something involving loop.o, it was trying to insmod it or something,
>       doesn't exit - it also doesn't exist after I had installed it.
>    2) Can't find bin/ifport
>    3) A weird error about not being able to unpack the driver disk, this
>       happened the second time I had tried to do it in the same run
>    4) Ctrl-C'ing modconf causes it to skip unpacking the base system, and 
>       jump to configuring the base system (confusing)
> The LILO step also did not work as I have installed linux on a second
> drive, I see no reason it should do that, it can put lilo in the MBR of
> the primary disk or in an extended partition on the primary. I know of
> very few systems that cannot lilo boot from the secondary IDE drive.
The LILO configuration is a mess, but I haven't had time to work on it.
I will try to improve it for boot-floppies_2.1.5.

> I have this system for a few more days, so if you want me to try again be
> quick about it.

Expect a new upload before the weekend.
> Do you guys read debian testing? I know that at least #1 has been
> mentioned many times for a very long time.

As you may have seen, I read debian-testing, and answer almost all
boot-floppies-related messages that pop there.
Enrique Zanardi					   ezanardi@ull.es

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