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Testing migration summary 2023-07-11 (Tuesday)

On 2023-07-11 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package              version                       previous
  anacron                     2.3-37                        2.3-36
  criticalmass                1:1.0.2-4                     1:1.0.2-3
  faudio                      23.07+dfsg-1                  23.06+dfsg-1
  fonts-crosextra-caladea     20200211-2                    20200211-1
  fonts-crosextra-carlito     20230309-2                    20230309-1
  freecad                     0.20.2+dfsg1-7                0.20.2+dfsg1-6
  gftp                        2.9.1~beta-2                  2.9.1~beta-1
  glibc                       2.37-5                        2.37-3
  golang-github-mckael-madon  2.4.0-2                       (not in testing)
  golang-uber-goleak          1.2.1-1                       1.2.0-1
  gst-omx                     1.22.4-1                      1.22.0-1
  hyphy                       2.5.51+dfsg-1                 2.5.50+dfsg-1
  iptables-netflow            2.6-6                         2.6-5
  lazygal                     0.10.7-1                      0.10.6-1
  leafnode                    1.12.0-2.1                    1.12.0-2
  libarcus                    5.0.0-4                       4.13.0-3
  libjodycode                 3.1-2                         3.0.1-4
  libsavitar                  5.0.0-3                       4.13.0-2
  libsolv                     0.7.24-1                      0.7.23-1
  libwww-perl                 6.71-2                        6.71-1
  libxisf                     0.2.8-1                       (not in testing)
  libzypp                     17.31.15-1                    17.25.7-2.4
  madonctl                    2.3.2+ds1-1                   (not in testing)
  mailfromd                   8.17-1                        8.16-2
  metadata-cleaner            2.5.2+ds-1                    2.5.0+ds-1
  ncurses                     6.4+20230625-1                6.4-4
  node-openpgp-seek-bzip      1.0.5-3                       1.0.5-2
  node-split2                 4.2.0-1                       4.1.0-1
  node-tough-cookie           4.1.3+~4.0.2-2                4.0.0-2
  node-undici                 5.22.1+dfsg1+~cs20.10.10.2-1  5.19.1+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.5-2
  nyquist                     3.22+ds-2                     3.22+ds-1
  ocaml-ansi-terminal         0.8.5-2                       0.8.5-1
  ocaml-extunix               0.4.1-2                       0.4.1-1
  ocaml-pprint                20220103-2                    20220103-1
  openal-soft                 1:1.23.1-3                    1:1.23.1-2
  ovn-octavia-provider        4.0.0-3                       3.0.0-1.1
  pd-cyclone                  0.7.0+ds-1                    0.6.1-2
  pd-ext13                    0.17.1-8                      0.17.1-7
  pd-moonlib                  0.7-2                         0.7-1
  pd-motex                    1.1.4-8                       1.1.4-7
  pd-pddp                     0.2.1-6                       0.2.1-5
  pd-pdogg                    0.25.1-8                      0.25.1-7
  pd-plugin                   0.2.1-9                       0.2.1-8
  pd-pmpd                     0.9-8                         0.9-7
  pd-purest-json              2.0.1-3                       2.0.1-2
  pd-readanysf                0.43-6                        0.43-5
  pd-sigpack                  0.46.0-1            
  pd-smlib                    0.13.0-1                      0.12.2-4
  pd-syslog                   0.1-7                         0.1-6
  pd-vbap                     1.2.1-2                       1.2.1-1
  pd-wiimote                  0.3.2-8                       0.3.2-7
  pd-windowing                0.3.0-2                       0.3.0-1
  phosh                       0.29.0-1                      0.28.0-2
  phosh-mobile-settings       0.29.0-1                      0.24.1-1
  php-gettext-languages       2.9.0-3                       2.9.0-2
  php-net-ldap2               2.2.1-2                       2.2.1-1
  phpsysinfo                  3.4.3-1                       3.4.2-3
  picard-tools                3.0.0+dfsg-1                  2.27.5+dfsg-2
  psd-tools                   1.9.28+dfsg.1-1               1.9.24+dfsg.1-1
  pycoast                     1.6.1+dfsg-3                  1.6.1+dfsg-2
  python-azure                20230705+git-1                20230112+git-1
  python-screed               1.1.2-1                       1.0.5-4
  qpwgraph                    0.4.4-1                       0.4.2-1
  raspi-firmware              1.20230405+ds-1               1.20220830+ds-1
  rocfft                      5.5.0-4                       (not in testing)
  ros-catkin                  0.8.10-11                     0.8.10-10
  ruby-browser                5.3.1-3                       4.2.0-3
  ruby-pg                     1.5.3-1                       1.5.2-2
  ruby-ruby-parser            3.20.0-2                      3.15.1-1
  ruby-ruby2ruby              2.5.0-1                       2.4.4-2
  ruby-sexp-processor         4.17.0-2                      4.15.2-1
  rust-aes                    0.8.3-2                       0.6.0-1
  rust-ashpd                  0.4.0-3                       0.1.0-1.1
  rust-atk                    0.16.0-2                      0.14.0-1
  rust-atk-sys                0.16.0-2                      0.14.0-4
  rust-cairo-rs               0.16.7-2                      0.14.9-2
  rust-cairo-sys-rs           0.16.3-2                      0.14.9-2
  rust-cipher                 0.4.4-2                       0.2.5-2
  rust-der                    0.7.7-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-dfrs                   0.0.7-5                       0.0.7-4
  rust-enumflags2             0.7.7-2                       0.6.4-2
  rust-enumflags2-derive      0.7.7-2                       0.6.4-1
  rust-flagset                0.4.3-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-gdk                    0.16.2-2                      0.14.3-1
  rust-gdk-pixbuf             0.16.7-2                      0.14.0-1
  rust-gdk-pixbuf-sys         0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gdk-sys                0.16.0-3                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gdk4                   0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-1
  rust-gdk4-sys               0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gdk4-wayland           0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gdk4-wayland-sys       0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gdk4-x11               0.5.4-4                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gdk4-x11-sys           0.5.4-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gdkx11                 0.16.0-2                      0.14.0-1
  rust-gdkx11-sys             0.16.0-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gio                    0.16.7-2                      0.14.8-1
  rust-gio-sys                0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-glib                   0.16.7-3                      0.14.8-1
  rust-glib-macros            0.16.3-2                      0.14.1-2
  rust-glib-sys               0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gobject-sys            0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gping                  1.12.0-2                      1.12.0-1
  rust-graphene-rs            0.16.3-2                      0.14.8-1
  rust-graphene-sys           0.16.3-6                      0.14.8-2
  rust-gsk4                   0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-1
  rust-gsk4-sys               0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gstreamer              0.19.3-2                      (not in testing)
  rust-gstreamer-audio        0.19.3-2                      (not in testing)
  rust-gstreamer-audio-sys    0.19.4-3                      0.17.0-2
  rust-gstreamer-base         0.19.3-2                      (not in testing)
  rust-gstreamer-base-sys     0.19.3-2                      0.17.0-2
  rust-gstreamer-sys          0.19.4-2                      0.17.3-2
  rust-gstreamer-video        0.19.3-2                      (not in testing)
  rust-gstreamer-video-sys    0.19.5-2                      0.17.0-2
  rust-gtk                    0.16.2-3                      0.14.3-1
  rust-gtk-sys                0.16.0-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gtk3-macros            0.16.3-1                      0.14.0-2
  rust-gtk4                   0.5.5-3                       0.3.1-1
  rust-gtk4-macros            0.5.5-3                       0.3.1-2
  rust-gtk4-sys               0.5.5-2                       0.3.1-2
  rust-libslirp               4.3.0-4                       4.3.0-3
  rust-llvm-bitcode           0.1.2-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-memo-map               0.3.1-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-notify                 5.2.0-1                       5.0.0-1
  rust-option-ext             0.2.0-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-pango                  0.16.5-2                      0.14.8-1
  rust-pango-sys              0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-pangocairo             0.16.3-3                      0.14.0-1
  rust-pangocairo-sys         0.16.3-2                      0.14.0-2
  rust-picky-asn1-x509        0.10.0-1                      (not in testing)
  rust-process-viewer         0.5.8-2                       0.4.12-2
  rust-pyo3                   0.19.0-3                      0.19.0-2
  rust-topological-sort       0.2.2-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-tree-sitter            0.20.10-1                     0.20.9-2
  rust-wayland-client         0.30.2-1                      0.29.4-2
  rust-wayland-cursor         0.30.0-2                      0.29.4-2
  rust-wayland-protocols      0.30.0-2                      0.29.4-1
  rust-x11-dl                 2.21.0-1                      2.19.1-1
  rust-zbus                   3.12.0-5                      1.9.2-4
  rust-zbus-1                 1.9.3-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-zbus-macros            3.12.0-2                      1.9.2-1
  rust-zbus-names             2.5.1-4                       (not in testing)
  rust-zip                    0.6.6-1                       0.6.3-3
  rust-zvariant               3.14.0-2                      2.10.0-1
  rust-zvariant-2             2.10.0-4                      (not in testing)
  saga                        9.0.3+dfsg-1                  9.0.2+dfsg-1
  sqitch                      1.3.1-3                       1.3.1-2
  sqlmap                      1.7.7-1                       1.7.6-1
  stress-ng                   0.16.00-1                     0.15.10-1
  tang                        14-2                          11-2
  tifffile                    20230704-1                    20230412-1
  ubuntu-dev-tools            0.194                         0.193
  uranium                     5.0.0-2                       4.13.0-1
  wcslib                      8.1+ds-2                      7.12+ds-1
  wiredpanda                  4.1.12-1                      4.1.10-1
  xonsh                       0.14.0+dfsg-1                 0.13.4+dfsg-1
  yt-dlp                      2023.07.06-1                  2023.06.22-1
  zypper                      1.14.61-1                     1.14.42-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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