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Bug#919344: adequate reports obsolete-conffile in openssh-client

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 11:57:00PM +0100, Dominik George wrote:
> How about the attached approach?
> It uses dpkg-maintscript-helper in openssh-client to remove the
> conffile. dpkg-maintscript=helper does all the magic to determine
> whether the file was changed by the user. Here, we use the fact that in
> preinst, it only moves the file to a backup location, and this location
> is different when the file is user-modified.
> In postinst of openssh-server, we then check for the backup file and
> move it back in place if it exists. This…
>  …fixes the obsolete conffile,
>  …avoids an annoying question on upgrade whether to overwrite the file,
>   is it was user-modified,
>  …still keeps user modifications intact.
> I tested the following:

Ah, clever.  Thanks!  I also tested this, including upgrades through
intermediate versions, and it works correctly in every scenario I can
come up with.

Normally the openssh-server postinst code in fact does nothing because
apt currently seems to unpack the new openssh-server before the new
openssh-client and so by the time dpkg-maintscript-helper runs from
openssh-client.preinst the file has already been taken over by
openssh-server; but even if I perform the unpack and configure
operations manually using dpkg such that openssh-client.preinst runs
before the new openssh-server is unpacked, your code still works.

I fleshed out the comment a bit, and committed this in your name.  I'll
upload it soon along with other pending changes.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson@debian.org]

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