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Bug#586480: openssh-server: chroot directive is not working when using FISH (File transfer of shell with midnight commander)

On Saturday 19 June 2010, you wrote:
> However, if I use the fish protocol [1] included in midnight
> commander, I can see the full filesystem hierarchy, and even
> transfer files from the etc folder, etc...

> Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
> Match group sftponly
>         ChrootDirectory /home/%u
>         X11Forwarding no
>         AllowTcpForwarding no
> 	AllowAgentForwarding no
>         ForceCommand internal-sftp

fish does not work at all with ForceCommand and it won't work with 
ChrootDirectory unless you copy lots of things into the chroot (/lib 
/bin ...).

Have you used the same user for your fish and sftp tests? Please 
verify in /var/log/auth.log that you really did.

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