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Bug#422327: Similar problem


I had a similar problem, resulting in exactly the same debug messages
from sshd.

In my case, /etc/hosts did not contain anything. After adding   localhost
::1         ip6-localhost

X-forwarding was fine.

Judging your ifconfig output, you don't have IPv6 configured correctly,
most likely due to missing IPv6 module. You said it's enabled in the
kernel, so lo must at least contain something like this:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

Can you make sure that you're using a sensible /etc/hosts and have IPv6
loopback? (modprobe ipv6?)

mail: adi@thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

Bachelor: A man who chases women and never Mrs. one.

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