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Re: 9.0 ISO rebuild?

Hi John!

I will try to follow up with new images throughout this week. I’m currently on vacation in Japan and naturally not sitting in front of the computer all the time.


> On Mar 21, 2018, at 2:14 AM, John Conner <squogg@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> In Feb there was a thread entitled 'Latest sparc64 installer ISO - no kernel modules were found' where the outcome seemed to be that a rebuild of the ISO was needed to pick up a dependency issue around some of the vim packages.
> I'm getting that problem with a fresh install.
> Is this easy to rebuild?  Are there any nightly builds to try?
> Apoloiges for any breach of mailing list protocols - I'm new...  and thanks for work done on the port!
> John

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