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Re: sparc buildd issues

On Wed, 28 Dec 2005, Blars Blarson wrote:

In article <[🔎] 3c3e3fca0512271004y7ee667f1tf6d4ef2ac72282b2@mail.gmail.com>
bill@herrin.us writes:

On a Sparc netra X1, the system partially freezes (some stuff continues
running but at least one of the operations necessary to log in gets stuck).
The logs show that as of the moment of the freeze, the clock has jumped
forward exactly 3 days, 6 hours,
11 minutes and 15 seconds. The change is not gradual; it jumps between
syslog marks set a minute apart.

This is not what I have seen.  It sounds like an unrelated issue.

Yeah, I haven't heard about the jumping time issue before. It was reported that it is absent in 2.6.14, could you please test it? If it's really gone, it would be the easiest way out.

Regarding the kernel problem which is plaguing the buildds: I think by now it is fair to say that it affects only SMP machines. Furthermore, it looks like it only crashes the machines with SCSI controllers. It has been discussed a while ago on the gentoo-sparc list, archived discussion is available at


There also seems to be a way to crash the kernel by creating heavy disk activity, just by tar'ing, copying and untar'ing big directory trees repeatedly (that's what the crashme script mentioned in these thread does). Today I have received a second CPU for my Ultra60 (thanks a LOT to Clint Adams for providing it), so I'll try to reproduce the failure and poke around to see what I can do about it.

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC

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