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ssh on sparc with md5 passwords ?

Hi all,

I've recently installed woody (3.0r2) on one of our older sparc stations
(sparc10). The machine is
equipped with a minimalistic system and ssh. Problems occur while
connecting from
other hosts or from the sparc itself:

ssh myhost
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

The problem seems to arise from the fact, that the sparc is configured
using md5 passwords - but the ssh server
is not compiled appropriately ( i.e. NOT with configure

Can someone comment on that, i.e. does someone using woody on a sparc
with md5 passwords AND a working ssh ?
The system is not equipped for development. Therefor I cannot easily try
myself by recompiling ...

Cheers, Roger

Dr. Roger Zimmermann *** Institute of Physiology, Hamburg
Martinistra/3e 52 D-20246 Hamburg Tel.: /40 42803 5351
--------------------------------  Fax.: /40 42803 4920
R.Zimmermann=at=Uke.Uni-Hamburg.de // roz=at=snafu.de
PGP-ID:  Roger Zimmermann
KeyPrint=83 16 D1 82 06 71 16 60  6F 61 95 65 BB CA 02 E0

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