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Re: ash need to be recompiled

Christian Meder wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 1998 at 09:26:27PM +0100, Eric Delaunay wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> >   I'm requiring new ash package to release bootdisks  (0.3.4-2 in sid
> > complains about different size for sys_siglist).
> > Is someone working on it or should I do it myself ?
> I'll do it tomorrow. Anything else you need which isn't recompiled yet?

Ok, got it. Thanks.  I forgot to mention also the newt package (I built it
myself but I have had to patch it because of its pseudo dependancies with
python, therefore I didn't want to upload it).  Hopefully, I got it from the
Incoming queue today :-).

> > PS: I did a fresh install on a sparc-classic last night with minor troubles.
> >   I'm fixing them right now...  though I need to update my local mirror before
> >   releasing the bootdisks.
> Very cool. Would it be possible to create a 2.0.35 installation set
> and a 2.1.130 set (next week) ? best of both worlds approach I guess
> ;-)

I will try to upload new boot disks next monday, based at least on 2.0.35.
I don't know if I will have time to work on 2.1 series.  The serial console
code detection have to be reworked since 2.1 now use a special device for the
console (no need to install the right symlink to the tty).
Nevertheless, if I'd do it, it will be based on 2.1.125, not 2.1.130.  This is
the only one present in my local mirror (I don't have regular access to a fast
internet connection, just a 14kb/s modem every days & a 2MB/s one or two times
per week when I go to my lab ;-( ).  But I promise you I will get 2.1.130, or
whatever the number is, as soon as possible then repackage the boot disks.


PS: I'm also working on diskless installation for those interrested in.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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