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Re: Gathering opinions: Freeze ?

"Jules Bean" <jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk> writes:

> Roman Hodek and James Troup have devised a distributed system for
> keeping architectures up to date with i386 (or, more generally, just
> up-to-date with source uploads).

It's actually 99% Roman's work, I just pimp it to others.  Also it is
actually i386 it syncs with and not source; this is probably a bug in
the design of quinn diff and something I should fix.

Some other random comments which may or may not be relevant: the build
daemon's don't like intermittently network connected machines; it
really needs permanently connected ones.  And thanks to the
scalability of the build daemon (i.e. you can have 1, or 100, it
doesn't make any odds as far as the other build daemons or wanna-build
are concerned), raw computing power is rarely the issue (even on m68k,
where we only have 2 of the slowest m68k machines around doing
auto-compilation).  The problem is usually all the packages which
don't compile cleanly from source and have to be fixed.  I am afraid
not even Roman can fix that for us ;-)


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