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Re: status of /ust/lib/sgml -> /usr/share/sgml transition

itz> The main problem with this interim solution comes when you use
itz> your own DTDs that refer to ISO entities (as most do).  You
itz> cannot put them in /usr/{lib,share}/sgml because that's off
itz> limits to user modification,

Adam> I don't agree.  According to the copyright, you can make minor
Adam> changes that don't change the structure to accomodate local
Adam> integration tasks.  I got this right from the W3C and Norm Walsh
Adam> both.

Not what I meant.  What I meant is that I (as a user) can't (or
rather, won't) drop any of my files (private company or personal DTDs)
there, because it's against The Debian Way (TM).  I put them in
/usr/local/share/sgml instead.  But then, without public IDs, I can't
refer to the ISO stuff except by absolute path. (or by a CGI hack :)

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Hypocrisy, arrogance and manipulation: sure-fire ways to earn hatred.
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