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Short summary (Was: avahi-daemon)


 I'm stepping out of this discussion, but would like to summarize it a
 little (this is obviously biased):
 - the current default situation is on purpose, and is a choice between
   security and usability, completely subjective
 - RB can be enhanced to work better when avahi-daemon isn't installed
 - avahi can be enhanced to have a debconf question permitting to
   disable it

 Interested people can file bug reports, submit patches to make progress
 on the technical issues, disagreeing people can bring this up to the TC
 for a decision[1], as there's no steering committee as mstone puts it.

 Other technical enhancements can of course be proposed via the BTS.

[1] This might sound harsh, but it really isn't, I think it's the role of
    that committee.
Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>

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