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Re: first A record of security.debian.org extremely slow

On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 09:18:16AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Michal Sabala <saahbs@yahoo.com> [2006.02.20.2328 +0100]:
> > host -t a security.debian.org
> > security.debian.org has address   <----- slow
> Please see 
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-security/2006/02/msg00041.html
> > Editing /etc/hosts to contain:
> > security.debian.org
> > 
> > solves the problem. Our network is working properly BTW.
> Please do not do this. A better fix is to REJECT
> with iptables:
>   iptables -I OUTPUT -d -j REJECT
> (amend as needed). This leaves a round-robin of two servers rather
> than everyone banging on (or the other one).

*blink* - erm, just out of interest, how does this help? This is just
going to stop packets from going to that IP, it's not going to stop
things resolving to that IP, so instead of getting a slow connection
you're just going to get a connection refused... seems like an odd way
of doing things - maybe it would be better to use a local caching
nameserver that you can configure to filter out that IP when there is
more than one A record available instead? (I can't think of a simple way
of doing that off the top of my head, though)


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