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Re: Kernel 2.4.20 and patches to be save?

On Sunday 18 May 2003 15:03, Florian Weimer wrote:
> Markus Kolb <debian@tower-net.de> writes:
> > where can I get information which patches I need for a secure, not
> > exploitable 2.4.20 vanilla kernel?
> What do you mean by "not exploitable"? What are the threats you are
> facing?

Ptrace, iptables, ... 
Are there any other flaws in latest stable vanilla source? That is the 
I use selfmade and for my place patched kernels. Before the ptrace flaw 
I thought I am safe if I use the up-to-date stable source.
But after months there is no new stable version in 2.4 kernel tree and 
there is no official information how to patch the flaws.
One possibility is to use some patched vendor kernel sources, the other 
is to trust an unofficial patch.
Not Marcelo's best idea...

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