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Re: libpam-mysql, libnss-mysql config files rights

Dans un message du 20 Jan à 15:38, Emmanuel Lacour écrivait :
> Same idea can be applied to /etc/nss-mysql.conf and
> /etc/nss-mysql-root.conf (as explained in the README of the package!)

/etc/nss-mysql-root.conf should be 0600 and owned by root or nss-mysql
will refuse to work. There is no real security bug here.

Concerning nss-mysql.conf, it should be readable by anybody because
everybody should be able to /etc/passwd. However, a side effect of using
nscd allows you to restrict the rights of nss-mysql.conf to the user
under which nscd runs. But if nscd crashes, nss-mysql will stop to work.


Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>

                 People get the operating system they deserve.

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