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Re: [PATCH 0/8] Cleanup D*A ist formating

On 05/31/2017 04:47 AM, Sébastien Delafond wrote:

On 2017-05-31, Philipp Hahn <hahn@univention.de> wrote:
for my project I need the information which CVE is fixed by which
Debian package. I do that by reading the DSA list. I tried
lib/python/bugs.py first, but at the end wrote my own parser based on
some simple regular expressions.
Wouldn't https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/data/json be a
better source for any kind of automated parsing ? Or maybe directly use
the OVAL files at https://www.debian.org/security/oval/ ?
The JSON is the simplest to use and has the benefit of including fixed versions for issues that weren't fixed by DSAs. Just using the DSAs themselves will be an incomplete list.
Nicholas Luedtke
HPE Linux Security, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

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