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From the Desk Of Peter Marriott

?Tengo nueva direcci?n de correo!Ahora puedes escribirme a:bbffmuofficee at yahoo.com.co

- THE BRITISH FINANCE MONITORING UNIT LONDON,ENGLAND TELEPHONE:(44) 7031917829,From the Desk Of Peter Marriott Office Of The Director British Finance Monitoring Unit It has come to our notice that a huge sum of money has been credited in your name for transfer and is currently floating in the international banking community.Under the stipulated Law of the Government of Great Britain and Wales and other member countries of the United Nations, any huge amount of money that has been found in the international computer data system waiting to be transferred without claims for a period of 6 months or less, shall be confiscated and forfeited to the United Nations account.We do hereby ask you to contact this office immediately for ratification within the 3 days of this notice or consider your fund confiscated.We appreciate your urgent co-operation.PETER MARRIOTT DIRECTOR BRITISH FINANCE MONITORING UNIT.

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