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Using videos in presentations


I like to use LaTeX and if I need to make a presentation I use Beamer. In the past, if I had to insert a video, I could do it with the necessary packages and any Acroread could played it.

It seems that from 2021 it is not possible, although that Okular can show it and I'm quite sure that other pdf viewers that are in the archive can do it.

I would prefer to not use libreoffice to make a presentation but I have not found any useful information to do it in a pdf with the tools that we have in Debian.

Do you know how can I insert a video in a presentation using the package that we have in Debian?

Best regards,


Linux User 152692     GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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