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Re: Removing ATLAS?

Le mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:34 +0200, Rafael Laboissière a écrit :
> * Sébastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> [2023-07-08 10:01]:
> > As the maintainer of the atlas package over the last decade, I now 
> > wonder whether we should remove it from the archive.


> Thanks for starting this discussion and proposing a plan, Sébastien.
> I looked at xmds2, which currently build-depends and depends on 
> libatlas-base-dev. For those who do not know, xmds2 is a tool written in 
> Python for generating C++ code that solvesq differential equations, using 
> a XML file with the description of the problem.
> When generating the C++ code, the xmds tool tries to link against 
> libcblas.so, which, currently, only exists in the libatlas-base-dev 
> package.
> I “fixed” the problem with a hacky patch to the file 
> xpdeint/support/wscript and by changing the dependencies to 
> libopenblas-dev | libblis-dev. If someone can review my changes [*], I 
> will be grateful.

Your fix looks good. Note that an even better fix is to simply Build-
Depend on libblas-dev. Linking against an optimized BLAS does not
really help at build time, because since all variants are ABI
compatible and use the same SONAME, it’s the runtime dependency that
really matters.

⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Sébastien Villemot
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Debian Developer
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀  https://sebastien.villemot.name
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀  https://www.debian.org

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