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Re: ROS: catkin and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

Hi Jörg!!

On 09/07/18 13:39, Jörg wrote:
> Hi,
> since a few days my ROS-Workspace do not work anymore. I am on Debian sid (unstable).

the sid expert is Jochen. I just work with backported packages.

> I've tried to compile as much as possible of the missing ros-desktop-full
> packages and moveit using mostly ROS Melodic branches.

Well, I have done more or less what do you want to do but with stable. But my
approach is a bit different. I create a ws in another directory (ex.
/srv/robotica/ros) than home. It's because I share it with in a multiuser

Then, I build all the packages (rest of ros-desktop + moveit + extras) with:

$ catkin_make_isolated --install

After all, the the procedure consists in load the env :

$ source /srv/robotica/ros/install_isolated/setub.bash

and then the users can use any of the wide-system ros installation (packaged and

Also, a

$ rospack profile

also helps, reseting some data.

> Compiling works fine, but the catkin tools do not set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
> anymore.

well, I have tried to see where is set without success. Maybe Jochen could help us.

> This worked before. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if i missed some concept here.
> Can someone point me to a solution? I'm also fine submitting a bug on the catkin
> package, if that's helpful.

try to exec the rospack explained before.

Best regards,


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