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Re: ROS installation with pure Debian Packages + some Source Packages

* Jörg <jkur+debian-science@corsario.org> [2018-06-15 20:46]:
$ catkin_make
 => error with gennodejs (import gennodejs fails)
 * source ./devel/setup.bash fixed it

I usually ignore geneus and gennodejs, as I don't need it.

 => compile error: srdfdom needs a newer version
 * debian package libconsole-bridge0.4 has different macros
 * CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError <=> logError
 * update .rosinstall with:
 - git:
   local-name: srdfdom
   uri: https://github.com/ros-gbp/srdfdom-release.git
   version: release/melodic/srdfdom/0.5.0-0

That on is in testing already, if you need it.

$ catkin_make
 => error with diagnostics: uses pluginlib with different version, all .h
    renamed to .hpp :-/
 * updated the debian package to ros-pluginlib-1.12-1
 * then you need ros-class-loader in newer version => updated package to 0.4.1
 * then you need to rebuild ros-image-common, ros-nodelet-core, ros-robot-model
 * done => lots of linker errors ;-) well build again....

It's on my list to package this.

$ caktin_make
  RobotModel(const urdf::ModelInterfaceSharedPtr& urdf_model, const srdf::ModelConstSharedPtr& srdf_model);
/home/jkur/ros_new/src/moveit/moveit_core/robot_model/include/moveit/robot_model/robot_model.h:71:3: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘urdf::ModelSharedPtr {aka boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Model>}’ to ‘const ModelInterfaceSharedPtr& {aka const std::shared_ptr<urdf::ModelInterface>&}’

This is the problem with the boost::shared_ptr vs. std::shared_ptr


typedef boost::shared_ptr<Model> ModelSharedPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Model> ModelConstSharedPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<Model> ModelWeakPtr;

I have no idea where the std::shared_ptr comes from.

I believe it's this issue:


I simply CATKIN_IGNOREed the setup_assistant actually, as moveit works without it.

And here starts the real problem:
in https://github.com/ros/robot_model/tree/kinetic-devel it says that
robot_model is deprecated and the the package is split.

The melodic branch has the repositories still in it (urdf, kdl_parser, etc) and
even better it has a urdf_compatibility.h.in which looks very much like a fix
for the moveit compile problem. But i have no idea, what to do next.
The urdf version in the debian ros-robot-model packages does not have this
compatibility header.

By the way https://github.com/ros/urdf uses the melodic-devel as HEAD, so now?

What would actually the way to go here? Is the
package splitted or not? This is the kind of questions where i'm always lost.
Maybe i could fix it in the code, but than every update would be a hassle.

Yeah, these packages needs updates as well. It's a little unfortunate that ROS releases are actually a moving targets...

Cheers Jochen

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