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Bits about Intel MKL packaging -- Higher Priority than OpenBLAS

Hi Debian Science Team,

The main purpose for me to write this mail is to notify
you guys that I'm going to assign MKL a higher priority
than OpenBLAS via the update-alternative mechanism.

MKL provides alternatives to e.g. libblas.so.3

intel-mkl provides a magical dispatcher library named libmkl_rt.so,
which contains symbols of BLAS and LAPACK. This library
can be used as an alternative to libblas.so.3 and liblapack.so.3 .
(didn't actually test it. This is still WIP)

So I'm going to provide these alternatives with a higher priority
compared to OpenBLAS:

libblas.so.3  libmkl_rt.so 50
liblapack.so.3 libmkl_rt.so 50
libblas.so libmkl_rt.so 50
liblapack.so libmkl_rt.so 50

Such non-free package won't be automatically installed. However
once MKL is installed, the user must means to use it. By the way,
I'm linking both .so and .so.3 to libmkl_rt.so because the upstream
didn't give it a SOVERSION ...

Please let me know if you are object to this :-)
Sébastien, how do you like this?

Bit about packaging

Some of you maybe curious about the progress ... early stage but
able to produce some core packages.


To make sure I'm making a correct intra dependency graph,
I'm now getting help from upstream. And I have to say Intel
as an upstream is quite responsive and nice.

Have a good day guys :-)


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