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Re: Keras (abstraction layer for Theano and TensorFlow) seeks for an adopter


On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:28 PM, Ghislain Vaillant <ghisvail@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would that time be better spent on the Tensorflow / Keras combo, which is
> arguably significantly more popular in research? I am afraid we are already
> spreading our packaging efforts thin on the machine learning ecosystem.

I am trying to learn a thing or two about packaging and hoping I can
add my weight to the team on this front.  Despite years of Linux
*user* experience, I admit I've never really figured out the full
Debian packaging ecosystem, and I'd like to take this RFA opportunity
as well as my current work on a new package for the Siconos dynamical
systems simulation library to improve.  Would anyone be willing to
mentor me?  (ie. privately answer my stupid questions about where to
find things, where to submit requests, how to fix lintian warnings,


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