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Re: insighttoolkit4 on i386 (+sse2)

Gert Wollny <gw.fossdev@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear all, 
> since every time upstream release a new major version, tests are
> failing on i386 - a result from using the i387 FPU instructions, and
> since I only know this after about 8 hours of build time, I have now
> decided that with the latest release (4.12) I'd enable sse2.
> Incidentally, I also don't think it makes much sense to support pre-
> Pentium4 hardware with ITK, but if someone thinks otherwise, you are
> cordially invited to co-maintain the package :)

As dumb as you or I might think it, i386 in Debian needs to support
non-SSE hardware.  It sounds like you rather want to drop i386 support
for the package, if upstream's idea of i386 doesn't match
Debian's. That's what I did with darktable (that case was maybe more
clear as upstream also felt 32bits was unsuppportable).


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