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Re: What's the difference between CRAN Cairo and cairoDevice

Hi Andreas,

[ Lucky I found this -- procmail sticks this into the debian-science folder
which I do not visit as often as my normal inbox ... ]

On 18 August 2016 at 08:52, Andreas Tille wrote:
| Hi Dirk,
| I've got a request to install Cairo[1] which from the description sounds
| pretty similar to your package r-cran-cairodevice from[2].  Both R
| packages seem to be maintained.  Could you explain the difference and
| do you think its sensible to package Cairo in addition?

Yes, see 


These are simply two similar and somewhat overlapping packages.

CRAN is not unlike Debian in that such feature overlap is not policed against
(and that is a good thing).  As I recall, Cairo is newer.

I once needed cairoDevice so I packaged it -- if you now have a rev.dep on
Cairo you will have to package that.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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