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Re: You can now check BibTeX file obtained from debian/upstream files

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 09:13:59AM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > > DSCPackages = {source1, source2, ...} # there could be multiple
> > > or
> > > DEBPackages = {binary1, binary2, ...}
> > > so that .bib is sufficient to point to the corresponding package(s)
> > > ?
> > There is the (not yet documented Field[1]) "Debian-Package" where you
> > can restrict a citation to a certain binary package.
> I saw it -- but this one is to be defined in debian/upstream.  It is not
> present atm in the generated .bib file where Debian-Package (if we just
> maintain the same name as a name of bibtex field, may be just remove '-'
> since I am not sure if that is supported in bibtex, i.e.
> DebianPackage) could be automatically  filled up -- you already
> have package names in the .tex table you generate, but not in .bib
> (which is what I whined about)

A, this was not clear to me because I somehow fail to see any use case
for this.  Can you explain what purpose such a field should serve in the
BibTeX file - perhaps I'm missing something.
> > There is no real solution for having one citation for more than one
> > source and binary packages (and I have no idea how to implement this
> > with the current system).
> wouldn't it come natively if I have a copy of debian/upstream with
> references in multiple source packages?

Sure - I was just missinterpreting your question.

Kind regards



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