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Re: newbie questions while packaging webgen

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 07:09:38PM +0100, Klaumi Klingsporn wrote:
> Hi team,
> While working on my webgen package I ran into 3 questions:
> 1.
> While working on my first update of the ruby-cmdparse
> package Daniel Leidert advised me to add the line
> export DH_RUBY = --gem-install
> into the rules file, to use gem installation layout which
> (as he wrote) "is better for most gems" and which results in
> most of the programs files being installed in
> /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/<programname>/
> rather than in
> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/ .
> Is this also correct for a program like webgen which is no
> library but an application to run?

Yes. Ideally we want to switch all packages to that layout at some

> 2.
> Webgen uses a bunch of rake-tests (about 80), from which 3
> of them fail while building the package. My predecessor as
> package-maintainer a decade ago therefore set
> to circumvent this problem, but as I've learned this is no
> option for the team any more.
> So what I am supposed to do? The program itself works fine!
> (I attached the failure output.)

You need to either fix the few tests that are failing, or patch them to
be skipped. Ideally you want to send a patch or a bug report upstream.

> 3.
> While looking into this and that I recognized that my
> updated ruby-cmdparse package has no dependency set at all.
> Shouldn't there be at least a dependency for: ruby |
> ruby-interpreter ?

That's not necessary, and harmful in some cases. In most cases whatever
dh-make-ruby generated is correct.

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