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Re: ruby-cmdparse 3.0.7

Hi Klaumi,

On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 11:31 PM Klaumi Klingsporn <klaumikli@gmx.de> wrote:
> So I think the package is ready for upload, BUT
> the autopkgtest-self initiated by the build-script fails,
> because it's unable to fetch and install an old and
> outdated version of apt-utils: 2.1.11. The
> autopkgtest-self log is attached.
> I have no idea how to fix this!
> Any ideas?

I am not sure what's wrong, really. Maybe try doing a --fix-missing
and update && upgrade manually from inside the chroot?

Anyway, everything builds fine here and the autopkgtest is passing
(superficially) as well and so I've sponsored your upload! :)

Just BTW, this is how I build the package:
``` sbuild -s --source-only-changes ```

and this is how I run autopkgtest:
``` autopkgtest -B ../*.deb  -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild ```

- u

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