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Re: RFS: ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1

On 16-05-11 09:53:06, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> For this reason, I think you should find a way to restore
> `debian/ruby-tests.rake` and make it work with gpg2 as gpg1 is likely
> to go away in some near future…

- I've made some progress:

  - I've added a patch which injects gpg.conf and gpg-agent.conf
    into the upstream provided gpghome. I need this to prevent pinentry
    from spawning.

  - I've re-enabled i'debian/ruby-tests.rake'.

  - I've added 'ruby-shoulda-context' and 'ruby-actionmailer' as

  - All of this makes the upstream tests pass* in a non-interactive way.

  - 'pry-nav' isn't needed for the tests, hence I'll close the ITPs I've

- AFAICT: Two last major showstoppers left, I need support with
  these, because I can't find a way on my own to solve these:

  - * One of the tests [1] fails. Running this gives:
    Failure: <GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase> exception expected but none was thrown.
    I guess the output of gpg changed during the transition from version
    1.x to 2.x - but I didn't find a way how to overcome this.
    Still I'm unsure, because there is "no exception thrown".
    Should I remove this part? Could someone of you have a look into

  - In 'debian/ruby-tests.rake', I've to set two env vars to a path
    pointing at the upstream provided gpghome (this is: the upstream
    provided gpghome inside the build dir) and reload gpg-agent
    afterwards, so it picks up these.

    I've added debian/gbp.conf and set the export-dir in there to

    Right now, the path in 'debian/ruby-tests.rake' is hardcoded, aka
    "ruby-mail-gpg-0.2.6", which will fail obviously in the future.
    So...I'm searching for a way to get the Debian package version of
    the build.
    How should I deal with this? I've had a look into the env vars which
    are exported if using gbp buildpackage, but didn't found one which
    would help in this case (as long as I read the manpage correctly).

- Minor question:

  - In the upstream provided gpghome, there are two (binary) files,
    which, in my opinion, don't belong there: 'random_seed' and
    'pubring.gpg~'. Using quilt gives, after adding the files to the
    patch, removing the files from the filesystem, and refreshing the
    patch, "diff failed". Doesn't this work for binary files? Or is it
    because one isn't supposed to remove the files from the fs? Again, I
    couldn't find something about this on the Internets..

Input highly appreciated,

[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-mail-gpg.git/tree/test/message_test.rb#n198

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