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Re: RFS: ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1

> On 16-05-11 09:53:06, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> > The only mistake I could find by looking at the source is in
> > `debian/copyright`:
> > 
> > “MIT” is an ambiguous term for the licence, see
> > <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License#Various_versions>.
> > The term most often refers to the Expat license:
> > <http://www.jclark.com/xml/copying.txt>
> Thanks, wasn't aware of this.
> > Could you check and specify “Expat” if it's the case?
> Well, actually I've just took the license the upstream author provided
> [1]. Should I clarify this with him?

As long as the full license text is there, it's correct. It's just that
many GitHub users refer to the Expat license as MIT, further nurtering
the ambiguity—or making the X11 license a corner case… depends on how
you view it. :)

Anyway, if upsteam license matches Expat, please use Expat in the
copyright file, as documented in the spec.

> > Have you tried to run autopkgtest for the package? I know it's one
> > more thing to setup, but it's now fairly easy and you won't regret it.
> > Uploading a package that breaks stuff is not a fun experience.
> I didn't set up autopkgtest, because I disabled the tests.

There are two kinds of tests: build time tests and “runtime tests”
(autopkgtest). As `debian/control` still mentions autopkgtest, I got

I think both are indeed disabled for now. It might be worthwhile to
write extra autopkgtests on top of the standard Ruby ones so you test
integration with external modules better. But it's up to you.

And glad you got some tips from dkg! :)

Lunar                                .''`. 
lunar@debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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