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Re: uploading to jessie-backports (Re: migrating to Debian gitlab)

On Sunday 10 April 2016 08:26 PM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> I do realize that it will be very useful for everyone to have Gitlab
> installable on jessie right now, but I am not completely sure that
> uploading 300+ packages to jessie-backports is a good idea. Will you be
> able to support that _for the whole lifetime of jessie_  once the time
> funded by Gitlab Inc runs out?

I will discuss with gitlab folks about the possibility of an LTS version
or possibility of continued funding.

> Also, your list includes things like openssl, I really don't think you
> should touch that.

openssl update was required for nodejs backport.

> a new enough jquery is already available in jessie-backports.

I'll use that.

> is a new version of nodejs really necessary?

I'll see if I can make it work with old nodejs, I think it was triggered
by trying to update coffee-script.

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