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Hi Debian Ruby team,

I'm working on packaging Facebook watchman https://facebook.github.io/watchman/ https://github.com/facebook/watchman

It is basically an Autotools-based C project but within a subdirectory ruby/ruby-watchman are Rakefile and .gemspec which allow me 
1. to run "rake make" to build ruby-watchman/ext.so and
2. to run "rake build" to generate ruby-watchman.gem
but I don't know how to proceed from here (how to "install" the built ext.so somewhere under $(CURDIR)/debian/ruby-watchman , perhaps...  Specifically, I'm not knowledgeable about versioned directory names)

I tried to run
$ DH_RUBY_GEMSPEC=ruby/ruby-watchman/ruby-watchman.gemspec dh_ruby --build
$ cd ruby/ruby-watchman; DH_RUBY_GEMSPEC=ruby-watchman.gemspec dh_ruby --build
but apparently no action took place.

Also, should I consider installing the .gem file for each of ruby2.1 and 2.2 returned by "dh_ruby --print-supported" ?  I have no prior experience in Ruby packaging.

Thanks in advance,

野田  開 <nodakai@gmail.com>

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