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Jekyll update

Hi guys!

I've been trying to help get jekyll updated to its latest version after
the major update, but I've run into a bit of a conundrum that needs your
advice about how you want the problem solved.

Jekyll now depends, hard, on two other packages - jekyll-coffeescript
and jekyll-sass-converter.  Though they call these packages "plugins",
jekyll will not run in the event that either of them are not installed.

After talking to boutil about this on #debian-ruby (thanks again!),
there seems to be a couple possible solutions.

1.  Package jekyll-coffeescript and jekyll-sass-converter as separate
packages and submit them along with a Depends.  Pros: Simplicity.  Cons:
Bloats the archive with stuff that probably is not useful outside of

2.  Package some bundle of the above as one package and use that to
depend on.  Pros: Limits the amount of flotsam added to Debian while
allowing the jekyll versions to be bumped along with upstream.  Cons:
Multiple upstream tarballs are complicated, still one package added into
Debian that's
functionally useless.

3.  Turn jekyll into a multiple upstream package.  Pros: No junk in the
archive.  Cons: Multiple upstream tarballs are complicated, makes the
versioning a bit weird when one of the plugins that gets updated needs
to be bumped independently from jekyll itself.  (Maybe use a debian
revision number? blugh.)

If I had to pick one, I think I'd probably go with #3, in the desperate
hopes that the two "plugins" can simply be fixed at whatever version
they are at the time of the main jekyll update and that we won't run
into problems needing an update of one of them between jekyll updates.
But, I'm not the maintainer, so I'm happy to do it however you guys and
gals would like.

If you'd like to look at my work so far, I've put it up at
https://github.com/hlieberman/debian-jekyll . I have the package lintian
clean (or, it will be once an actual maintainer builds it and lintian
stops whimpering about NMUs) except for the upstream GPG pedantic tag,
which I will ping upstream about at some point to see if we can fix.

Please copy me on emails on this thread; I'm not part of the mailing
list, so I won't get responses if my email gets dropped off.

Thanks in advance!

Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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