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Re: help with running tests for rails using gems

Hi Sam,

There was a bug in actionpack which made it unavailable to rubygems and bundler. It is fixed by a recent upload 3.2.13-6. Can you update actionpack and try the tests again? As Christian said, we should remove any Gemfile.lock and make bundler use versions available in debian. We might need to tweak Gemfile too to remove dependencies on specific versions if debian is having a different version than specified in Gemfile.

Thanks for your help.


On Jun 3, 2013 2:25 AM, "Sam Ruby" <rubys@intertwingly.net> wrote:

On 06/02/2013 03:26 PM, Sam Ruby wrote: > > On 06/02/2013 01:04 PM, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote: >>...

Ok, so here goes.

I create a fresh Debian sid chroot jail using Ubuntu 12.10.  My notes from last year are at [1].  It won't hurt my feelings if I'm told that's the problem.  :-)

Starting from that point I do the following:

$ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes ruby-rails-3.2 \
  ruby-coffee-rails ruby-jquery-rails ruby-sass-rails \
  ruby-sqlite3 ruby-uglifier
$ rails new foobar

The last few lines of output look like this:

         run  bundle install --local

> Invalid gemspec in [/usr/share/rubygems-integration/1.9.1/specifications/actionpack-3.2.13.gemspe...

Resolving dependencies...

> Could not find gem 'actionpack (= 3.2.13) ruby', which is required by gem 'rails > (= 3.2.13) rub...

I've attached the full logs.

- Sam Ruby [1] http://intertwingly.net/blog/2012/01/04/Bootstrapping-Debian-Unstable

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