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Bug#931950: transition: libgeotiff

On 9/10/19 8:11 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> libgeotiff (1.5.1-2) is in testing, but libgeotiff-dfsg (1.4.3-1) cannot
> be removed from testing due to gnudatalanguage, which I don't
> understand. But this should be resolved when the package get autoremoved
> on the 14th.

gnudatalanguage was not removed yesterday, it's still marked for removal
on 14 September.

Version 0.9.9-10+b1 of the gnudatalanguage binary packages is in
testing, but 0.9.9-10+b3 is in unstable. It seems that these two NMUs
never migrated to testing.

Can gnudatalanguage (and grib-api) be hinted out of testing to unblock
the removal of libgeotiff-dfsg?

Kind Regards,


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