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Bug#912853: transition: icu

On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 4:45 PM Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <gcs@debian.org> wrote:
> I'd like to upload ICU 63.1 which was recently released for Buster.
 I still miss the last three packages rebuilt, but I don't expect any
problems with those.
First, my methodology was to build the related packages both on i386
and amd64 (32 and 64 bit) to detect all possible problems in advance.
If a package failed due to ICU, I've patched it. If the reason was not
clear, rebuilt the package for Sid to check that result as well.
The order of rebuilds was harfbuzz -> boost1.67 -> make boost-defaults
point to it, then all other packages.

level 1
widelands FTBFS, patched it.

level 2
boost1.63 (sid only) FTBFS due to Python issue already filed as #902921
hfst-ospell FTBFS, patched it.
mozjs60 FTBFS, unrelated linking issue, not yet filed
nodejs FTBFS, ICU issue is patched, SSL self test problem already
filed as #902512
openttd FTBFS, patched it
ruby-charlock-holmes FTBFS, patched it
sword FTBFS, patched it
tarantool FTBFS due to cURL issue already filed as #913380

level 3
hhvm (sid only) FTBFS due to self test problem already filed as #907305
libfolia FTBFS, patched it
libkiwix FTBS, patched it
ncmpcpp FTBFS, patched it

level 4
gnucash FTBFS due to self test problem
haskell-blogliterately build dependencies are uninstallable, can't test
kopanocore FTBFS due to PHP problem already filed as #911360
odil FTBFS for unknow problem and under investigation
ucto FTBFS, patched it
xiphos FTBFS, can be related to #913070 (sword transition)

level 5
frog FTBFS, patched it

I have to leave soon, but plan to file the ICU FTBFS bugs and patches
in the evening.
The last three package rebuild probably will happen tomorrow. There's
no more problem expected, but even if that may happen, I can patch
that quick.


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