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Re: openjpeg / stretch


Can we downgrade the move from openjpeg1.x to openjpeg2.x ? Still
keeping it as a release goal, but RC-critical?

I maintain (most of) the meteorology software, and the principal format
for weather data is GRIB2, which uses openjpeg as its primary
compression method. Until recently these all used jasper, with openjpeg
a possibility for some. But now I need to write patches for openjpeg2
and the APIs are significantly different, with the result of nearly all
the met. software dropping out of testing.

I am writing the patches, but would rather not see our users lose all
functionality if we can't replace openjpeg1 by stretch.

Best regards
Alastair McKinstry

On 31/05/2016 11:00, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> [adding debian-release]
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Mathieu Malaterre <malat@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm@debian.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> in jessie we have the unfortunate situation of having two copies of
>>> openjpeg in the archive src:openjpeg and src:openjpeg2. Can you get
>>> rid of openjpeg for stretch? We accept two source packages for transition
>>> purposes, but these need to be sorted out by the subsequent release.
>> That does not seems doable [*]. openjpeg 1.x and openjpeg 2.x have
>> different API, and it requires a significant effort to move from one
>> API to the other. Without upstream help from each packages, this
>> cannot possibly be done (at least by me).
>> If someone wants to volunteer, some projects have successfully moved
>> from openjpeg 1.x to openjpeg 2.x (from the top of my head:
>> mupdf/gdal/leptonlib) so some projects may have code so that they
>> compile against either openjpeg 1.x or openjpeg 2.x using #idef
>> triggered during configuration time.
>> The other option is to deactivate JPEG 2000 support from those
>> packages. imagemagick (accidentally) removed support for JPEG 2000
>> (#773530) and no one complained so far.
> Actually the issue is maybe a little more than just a security
> concern. See the bug report #825907.
> I'll leave it to debian-release to decide the severity of this bug.
> Meanwhile I'll track package(s) still using OpenJPEG 1.5.x API.
> -M

Alastair McKinstry, <alastair@sceal.ie>, <mckinstry@debian.org>, https://diaspora.sceal.ie/u/amckinstry
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered. 

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