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Re: [SRM] #353494 - xserver-xorg does not start on CPUs without CPUID


On Wed Dec 26, 2007 at 12:26:13 +0100, Michael Karcher wrote:
> Dear stable release manager,
> I would like to see the fix to #353494 in a stable point release. Debian
> claims to support processors starting at the 486. A bug in the X Server
> prevents starting it on any early 486 class processor, and even later
> Cyrix processors that have the CPUID instruction disabled. The bug is
> caused by malformed inline assembly in the X server, which happens to
> cause problems only if a processor without CPUID is detected.
> The bug log contains a straightforward, tested fix, which I can not
> think of doing any damage to systems where the X Server already works
> on. Is it possible to include such a fix into the next point release of
> debian stable, making it usable for an even wider audience?

My policy is to get as most as possible fixes done by the actual package
maintainers, thus CCing the X.org maintainers. Please ask them if they
are willing to fix that issue for the next point release.


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