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Re: cacti and mysql

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 01:38:27AM -0400, sean finney wrote:
> On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 09:53:41PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Mmm, as correct as that might be in principle, I'm afraid that looks like
> > too large of a change to make to the package at this late date.

> while interdiff may look big, basically all i've done is remove the
> included adodb directory, and changed the config file to include the
> adodb config file from libphp-adodb's location instead.  like i said
> earlier, there was no dependency change, as cacti already depended on
> libphp-adodb, so overall effects should be minimal.

Well, unpacking the two versions and applying the diffs still gives me 100
lines of changes to upstream code that don't seem to be documented in the
changelog, though perhaps this is what's referred to as "import of upstream
packages was b0rken"?  Either way, these are functional changes, and I don't
see any explanation for why they're necessary.

> > FWIW, one thought I had was that you could check for a symlink in a preinst,
> > save the information about the link target somewhere under /var/lib/, and
> > recreate it in the postinst if it gets lost due to upgrade issues.

> yeah, this is actually what we're doing.  for some reason the fix isn't
> working for woody mysql-server -> mysql-server-4.1 though, which is what's
> holding things up.

It would be nice to see an upload for mysql-server at least if you have that
working, since that's the one that also still doesn't have a fix for 308762
in testing.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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